Maquillage Pour Les Yeux

Maquillage Pour Les Yeux
Fashion not only consists of clothes, but of makeup as well

Unique Make up

Unique Make up

Vintage Season

Vintage Season
Latest Trend

Quelle idée unique

Quelle idée unique
Be different

Peacock Dress

Peacock Dress

August 2010 New

August 2010 New
Victoria Beckham for Fall 2010

Baltimore 2010 Fashion Week

Baltimore 2010 Fashion Week
Re-Inventing The Impossible

Josephine baker

Fashion Dont!!!

Fashion Dont!!!
I know its Summer Soon to be Moms, but no Skimpy Clothes!!!

Its Best to be a Trendsetter, Instead of a Follower

"If your niche is just being overly creative, then it is best for you to invent your own trend. I dont recommend doing too much nor too less, but you have to balance all ideas of the perfect outfit to produce your own trend. "

I've created my own trend that requires advance artistic skills. Here's an equation of the trend I invented:
Anime or Cartoon character of your choice + fitted white t shirt + scissors + fabric paint = You figure it out

I refuse to go into detail about trend I've created, due to the fact that of copyrights, Haha! But here's a picture of the cartoon I plan to use:

Being A Trendsetter

Being A Trendsetter
Terry from Street Fighter

La'Fashionista Presents: Color Me Gorgeous

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